Hope Rising: Onward and Upward

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Click for current newsletter
Click for current newsletter

Photo by Patricia’s Professional Photos (https://www.patriciamcdougallphotos.com/)

Hello, Friends of Mosaic Harmony!

It’s March. Winter’s fierce winds and unwieldy storms continue to swirl around us, and. Spring’s relief seems far off in the distance.  So, too, current divisiveness and discordance, near and far, can leave us feeling weathered, battered in body and spirit, consumed by fear and trepidation. What can we do?

“May all that has been reduced to noise in you become music again.” David Teems

During turbulent times, we can give ourselves permission to take a few minutes every day to regroup, remember, and refocus. We can pause, exhale, and then remind ourselves to see the good in others as well as in ourselves.  It is still there, along with joy, hope, and love.

The passages in this month’s newsletter are meant to provide us with respite from our worries and to serve as testimonies of the beauty that continues to surround us.  We share how one small request made a positive difference; how one couple, with support from our community and their determination to “go on,” reached new milestones on the road back to recovery after a devastating health challenge;  how communities showed up in support of a worthy cause; how despite our personal “storms,” hope endures; and how our music provides uplifting messages that touch our hearts and our souls.

May the clatter and chatter fade. May dissonance turn into harmony.  May Mosaic Harmony’s music and messages instill in us a sense of comfort and purpose, reinforcing that we are not alone and that together we can continue to work toward positive change and a common good. Make Us One.

Read the Newsletter


Who We Are

Mosaic Harmony is a community choir where people find love and acceptance regardless of color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other differences. We celebrate diversity and inclusion, sharing our message through the powerful medium of song, and inspiring our audiences to embrace ALL people.

Read more about us.